Month: April 2014

  • new bondings

    as I've mentioned previously, I was at Singapore the past few days and only returned to HK some hours ago.

    it was in many ways a surprisingly rewarding trip for me. musically, religiously, spiritually, intellectually. and it really is true how people connect more easily when they see one another for long periods of time. have been able to bond with brothers and sisters, and I'd say we all became better friends if not closer family.

    and then there's the unexpected. a sudden request to be the announcer and to narrate a short story, only three hours before the actual thing. but it was fun.

    and the other unexpected thing. it just made smile. a lot. like a silly person. a very silly person. there's just this immense joy rumbling inside of me. just the sight of it makes me smile. it was so difficult to contain it I had to cover up my smile with my musical scores. oh silly me. I instantly felt this mutual yet invisible connection. perhaps I'm wrong. perhaps I'm right.



    let's be friends.

  • take flight

    another day another destiny.

    nah. just a short flight to singapore. short trip with sacred singers leh.

    23-27/4. semi-hectic schedule la, I've had worse.


    actually humans have always attempted to triumph over the skies. alas, we have no wings. we cannot soar as the eagle.

    we need tools and gears to help us fly, fly high up into the skies.


    o for the wings of a dove, faraway would I rove.

    in the wilderness build me nest, and remain there forever at rest.


    gonna sing this anthem again at singapore. how timely.

    and gotta read a poem by George Herbert, "Easter Wings". well, Easter just passed...

    anyway. maybe I could look for wings of my own, some "Esther Wings" perhaps.


    I could just simply fly away .

    who said we needed wings to take flight.


    would you take flight or take the fight, the fight with me.

  • 不能寫

    不能寫. 就是不能寫. I just, can't.

    sometimes it's for no reason. well, I don't care if there is a reason. doesn't matter at all.

    早幾日睡不著, 半夜寫了首短短的歌, 配了些詞. 或許之後會加一個verse, or extend and add a coda/bridge. or perhaps not.

    本來想寫的主題, 寫寫下卻變了樣. 本來灰灰地, 竟然不自覺地變了有色彩、有夢想的.


    腦內那個主題雖仍揮之不去, 但我就是不能寫.

    係寫唔出. 一粒音都寫唔出. 一粒字都寫唔出.

    然之後昨晚一連串幾個夢, 幾個人, 幾件瑣碎事. 有喜有悲, 有疑問, 有吵鬧, 有冷漠. 夢境中的心情高低起伏.

    wow 勁呀我又坐過山車喇, 仲要係single rider添!


    放心我不會哭的. 因為根本無這需要.


