March 25, 2014

  • non, jamais

    parce que le temps peut mettre en cage
    nos rêves et nos envies
    je fais mes choix et mes voyages
    parfois j'en paye le prix
    la vie me sourie ou me blesse
    quelle que soit ma vie
    je ne vous oublie pas, non, jamais


    because time can cage
    our dreams and wishes
    i make my choices and journeys
    (and) sometimes i pay the price
    life smiles at me or hurts me
    (but) whatever my life is
    i will not forget you, no, never

March 13, 2014

  • brutal honesty

    when people say honesty can be brutal (at times), we actually know that sweet lies do a lot more damage (in the aftermath, of course)

    it's like, how should it put it.. hm.

    外傷與內傷的分別, 你懂吧. 我是指武俠小說那種. 或甚至是中毒, 但有潛伏期, 一旦發作便一發不可收拾.

    外傷. 是皮肉受到重搥出擊, 你多數可以看見別人出招, 亦會感覺到即時的痛楚. (adrenaline aside) 及後身體會有明顯的傷痕, 瘀處. 若非太嚴重, 多數會自己復原, 只是康復時間有長有短. 有時會留下疤痕, 多數後遺症不太多. (unless serious 到要物理治療)

    內傷. 即傷及五臟六腑, 可能有內出血情況, 血氣不順, 經脈會紊亂. 可能是被別人內功所震傷, 或下毒所致. 難以自己復原, 除非懂得運功療傷. 多數需要外在的治療, 食療, 如其他人給運功療傷, 吃解藥/大還丹之類. 復原過程較慢, 即使康復後仍會元氣大傷, 需要長時間調理身體.

    LOL 其實唔知點解突然會有此類比, 可能甚至不太accurate. suddenly 有感而發掛. *shrugs*

    honesty can be brutal, but i'd rather take the risk and endure the pain. perhaps that'll teach me to be stronger.

    fight on*

February 11, 2014

  • 也許



    就好像'to a certain extent', 根本沒有透露到任何資訊.

    算是沒有回答嗎? 又不是. 答了嗎? 又沒有.

    究竟是large extent還是small extent呢?

    '也許', 我討厭你.

    如果'也許'是一個人, 大概就會像張無忌那般優柔寡斷, 令人覺得他好煩, 但圍繞他的眾女卻因他沒有開口說出"NO", 因而繼續狂迷癡戀...

    '也許', 你好煩.

    世界上亦有太多像'也許', '或者', '可能','不排除','OK啦'之類的人

    sorry, I'm one of them.


January 24, 2014

  • productive day

    wow! haven't done so much in a day for quite a while la haha. and got some good news too!

    1st driving lesson. picked up tix at cultural centre. paid short visit to museum of art (and got annual museum pass!). got cu alumni lib card. did some research (interesting!).

    small chat with uni frd! (help with choir later perhaps?)

    recording job confirmed!!!



January 18, 2014

  • the last fears

    finally got teddy geiger's latest cd!!!!

    so many good good tracks, he never lets me down, just like james morrison =)

    however, james blunt proved to be another disappointment.. only liked a handful of tracks in the last 2 cd releases.

    so sad.

January 12, 2014

  • hymn of promise

    "In the bulb there is a flower; in the seed, an apple tree;
    In cocoons, a hidden promise: butterflies will soon be free!
    In the cold and snow of winter there’s a spring that waits to be,
    Unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see.

    There’s a song in every silence, seeking word and melody;
    There’s a dawn in every darkness, bringing hope to you and me.
    From the past will come the future; what it holds, a mystery,
    Unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see.

    In our end is our beginning; in our time, infinity;
    In our doubt there is believing; in our life, eternity,
    In our death, a resurrection; at the last, a victory,
    Unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see."

    ~~~~ Natalie A. Sleeth

January 3, 2014

  • when dryness persists






    你和你和你和你 (!) 都竟然在同一年___ / 再___!!!!


    如此想起來,2013年我有一同級中同結婚 & 3 個中同+1 大同訂婚了






December 29, 2013

  • end of year note



    LOTR fellowship of the ring again tonight!
    really pity Bilbo >< esp after watching the hobbit
    he really shouldn't have taken the ring, not to mention keeping it...
    anyway another inspiration from fellowship of the ring
    when Frodo decides they'll go through the mines of moria, it just suddenly reminded me of 我雖行過死蔭的幽谷,也不怕遭害 "yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death" (even though Frodo had no idea what they'll be encountering...)

    anyway. speaking of Tolkien and Christianity... oooh too large a topic for my random blabberings

    ohhhh noooo naughty Pippin you did it again...

December 27, 2013

  • the wind rises

    "le vent se lève, il faut tenter de vivre"

    yes, we must try to live.
    就算只能隨風飄揚, 也可活出不一樣的人生

    also true for Christians.
    the world around us slowly decays, and it's unlikely that we can do anything significant to change it.
    but then while we are being forced to go along the flow, do we not try to fight it?
    I don't mean being 出汙泥而不染, that's pretty much impossible as we are born sinners.
    and yet do we not hold fast to what we believe in? what does your faith tell you?

    I have no answer to that. not tonight, not here.

December 26, 2013

  • in my dreams



    in my dreams, we can spend a little time just talking
    in my dreams, we are side by side just walking